Friday, June 24, 2016


Fruits/Veggie smoothie can be an easy way to nourish your body with essential nutrients, boost your metabolism, help you loose some weight, pep up
your sex drive to give you and your significant other that out of this world pleasure and provide you with benefits that will keep you on the right track towards good health. Now check my recipe for different types of smoothie and their benefits:

The green weight loss smoothie:

11/2 cups almond milk
1 handful spinach
1/2 cucumber
1/2 avocado
3/4 cup diced pineapple
juice from 1 lemon
1 cup ice
Blend and enjoy

The Aphrodisiac  (warning 18+ and strictly for couples, make at your own risk)

Monday, June 20, 2016


I love, because my love is not dependent on the object of love.
My love is dependent on my state of being,

Sunday, June 19, 2016


What kind of man do you want? What kind of woman do you want? It is human nature to want something good, that's alright, but you have to first make yourself that kind of person you want so you can attract him or her into your life, enjoy this piece and let us know in comment section, the type you want;

I want a man who touches and kisses me ALOT. I want a man who will welcome my body crawling onto his in the middle of the night. I want a man who will sleep so ...close to me that our bodies become one.

 I want a man who will genuinely acknowledge and appreciate me.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Accents that strike a chord

Having grown up in Africa and now living in America, when I meet people for the first time and they hear me talk, most will pass out compliments like "oh I love your accent" its unique, some will say its sexy and I'm like "Really, thanks", many will engage me in a conversation so they will get to hear more of my "lovely" accent according to them, lol, on the other hand, some probably find it a bit hard to process and understand fast enough my English, if I say some things in different way than they are normally used to, but they will be like keep talking I just love hearing something different, since then, I also took keen interest in noticing and enjoying different accents both within and outside the USA.

Friday, June 10, 2016

6 Clever Ways to Save on Electric Bill this Summer

Do you know there are simple energy-saving tasks that will help you keep out the heat this summer and also save you some money? Here are just a few that will cut down your next bill surprisingly:

Tip #1: Close your window drapes and blinds
Tip #2: Adjust the thermostat; when you raise the thermostat above 78 degrees, it can reduce your cooling cost by10%.
Tip #3: Use permanent filters or change disposable ones at least once a month
Tip #4: Use a Microwave; cook with microwave oven when you can, during warm weather, they don't generate heat in the kitchen and use up to 30% less energy than the oven.
Tip #5: Sign up for Energy Programs, check your power company website to find out what programs they offer
Tip# 6: Use fan; this can feel just as comfortable as the air conditioner during summer,  just remember fan cool people not the air so be sure to turn it off when leaving the room.
