Sunday, June 19, 2016


What kind of man do you want? What kind of woman do you want? It is human nature to want something good, that's alright, but you have to first make yourself that kind of person you want so you can attract him or her into your life, enjoy this piece and let us know in comment section, the type you want;

I want a man who touches and kisses me ALOT. I want a man who will welcome my body crawling onto his in the middle of the night. I want a man who will sleep so ...close to me that our bodies become one.

 I want a man who will genuinely acknowledge and appreciate me.

I don't need a man
to understand me, but I do want a man with a powerful presence. A man masculine enough to hold the space to let my emotions move through me. I want a man who shows me that I'm safe, even when I'm unable to articulate what I'm feeling. I want a man I can trust with all the scary parts of myself that *I* am still working to dissect and understand.
I want a man who challenges me, calls me on my shit, sees my gifts and reflects them back to me.
I want a man who WON'T accept me just as I am. A man that will only accept the best version of me. Who see's my potential and demands I reach it. I want a man who will never settle for me.
I want a man who has stepped through his fear and has a clear sense of why he's here and who he's meant to serve.
I want a man who will allow me to love him. A man who believes he deserves to be honoured, respected and loved deeply. A man who knows his worth and has accepted all that he is and all that he will be.
I want a man with goals, a man with a plan who lives each day to it's fullest. I want a man who laughs and isn't ashamed to cry. A man who owns his emotions.
I want a man who fucks up and owns it. A man who understands life is about learning and perfection doesn't exist.
I want a man who never stops pushing himself to be the best he can be.
I want a man who likes to kiss me in public and pull my hair in private. A man who can claim me, own me, ravish me, love me and fuck me. A man who can give me what I need sexually without me having to ask. A man who makes my body ache for him because of how he shows up in the world. A man who knows how to make love to my body as well as my soul. A man I trust heart, mind, body and soul.
Most importantly.... I want to be the woman who deserves this type of man. A woman who never stops growing, learning, loving, forgiving, falling but always picking herself up. A woman who loves herself first and is the most magnificent version of who she was created to be. A woman who knows her worth and what she deserves. A woman who won't settle for less in life and in love.

Contributions- Jennifer Funk

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