Monday, August 8, 2016

Hello All

It is a new week and a beautiful weather where I am, are you one of those that notice special dates like me? I am loving today's date 8/8/16. It is special and so are YOU!

My word to you all today is; to those who have it together, keep aiming for the best and keep smiling.
For those who are yet to get there or going through some challenges,
DO NOT GIVE UP, keep pushing, those little efforts are adding up and before you know it, they will yield good results. Find strength in knowing that you are important and needed in this life, you may not believe or see it but it's true. Someone, somewhere appreciates you.

Although you may be constantly having some negative thoughts, feelings of worthlessness, unappreciated, not good enough, never do well, those thoughts and feelings that sap your energy and leave you worst than the situation you already are in, here are a few things to do to help snap out of those:

- this will take a few minutes, take a deep breath and cast your mind back to one thing that happened in your life that made you really happy or just something that can bring a smile or a laughter out of you.
photo credit- Dreamstime!

It could be the first time you saw your new born, that time you fell in love, a real good joke, the day you got a dream job, that unexpected check that you were so thankful it came at the right time, the new car, children's graduation or marriage, that business deal that clicked, that award, that dream which came through, time spent with family or friends or a significant other that you really really enjoyed,  the list is inexhaustible.
Imagine the joy you felt at that moment, just recast your mind back and re-live that moment again even if it happened long time ago and you haven't had one good moment in recent times, the only past you are allowed to think of is the happy ones, consciously and repeatedly do this about 10 times a day (you can increase the number of times as you get more comfortable), you will feel much better and energized to ACT on making your life better and IT will get better.
Sending happiness and joy your way!


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